Department of Botany

Historically, all living things were classified as either animals or plants and botany covered the study of all organisms not considered animals. Botanists examine both the internal functions and processes within plant organelles, cells, tissues, whole plants, plant populations and plant communities.

The Department of Botany takes a conscious effort to expand its teaching programme bringing together novel developments in the field with traditional areas of Botany through field excursions and projects. The Department has been adopting modern teaching methods. To make teaching more interesting and qualitative, the modern technology including the internet, Over Head Projector is used.virtual labs also established in the Botany Department to improve the qualitative skills in the teaching.

Objectives of the Department :

1. To provide a comprehensive knowledge on various aspects related to microbes and plants.

2. To deliver knowledge on latest developments in the field of Plant sciences with a practical approach.

3. To produce a student who thinks independently, critically and discusses various aspects of plant life.

4. To enable the graduate to prepare and pass through national and international examinations related to Botany.

5. To empower the student to become an employee or an entrepreneur in the field of Botany /Biology and to serve the nation

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